Cum este si normal dupa ce ne-am lamurit si cu papucii urmeaza rochia. Desigur si aici "the famous ones" au cateva optiuni pentru noi, cu un "scor" pe masura asteptarilor.But hey girls don't be sad, adica eu sunt de parerea ca putem gasi modele asemanatoare cu bani putini care sa ne faca sa ne simtim wonderful.
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Cynthia Rowley prom dress Betsey Johnson prom dress
" I think what I often see is that people are frightened of fashion. And then because it scares them or makes them feel insecure they put it down. There is something about fashion that can make people very nervous." Anna Wintour
1 comment:
Pai, fiecare e frumoasa in felul sau :) Depinde cum isi doreste o fata sa isi aminteasca de balul de absolvire
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